
Sample Turnaround Time Frequency
1291 Common Nut Allergy Profile
Individual allergens: Pecan 山核桃, Cashew nut 腰果, Pistachio 開心果, Walnut 胡桃
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1292 Common Fruit Allergy Profile (Single allergens for fx29)
常見生果過敏篩檢 (fx29)
Individual allergens: Orange 橙, Lemon 檸檬, Grapefruit 西柚, Manderin 蜜柑
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1293 Common Fruit Allergy Profile (Single allergens for fx30)
常見生果過敏篩檢 (fx30)
Individual allergens: Kiwi 奇異果, Mango 芒果, Banana 香蕉, Avocado 牛油果, Papaya 木瓜
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1294 Common Fruit Allergy Profile (Single allergens for fx31)
常見生果過敏篩檢 (fx31)
Individual allergens: Apple 蘋果, Pear 梨, Peach 桃, Cherry 櫻桃, Plum 梅子
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1296 Common Crop Allergy Profile
Individual allergens: Rye 黑麥, Rice 稻米, Potato 馬鈴薯, Mushroon 磨菇, Pumpkin 南瓜
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1295 Common Meat Allergy Profile
Individual allergens: Pork 豬肉, Beef 牛肉, Chicken meat 雞肉, Turkey meat 火雞肉
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1298 Hong Kong Food Allergy Profile
Individual allergens: Egg white 蛋白, Cow’s milk 牛奶, Wheat 麵粉, Peanut 花生, Soya bean 黃豆, Sesame seed 芝麻, Shrimp 蝦, Fish(Cod) 鱈魚, Oyster 蠔, Strawberry 士多啤梨, Melon 蜜瓜 Mixes: - Nut Mix: Pecan 山核桃, Cashew nut 腰果, Pistachio 開心果, Walnut 胡桃 - Fruit Mix fx29 生果混合: Orange 橙, Lemon 檸檬, Grapefruit 西柚, Manderin 蜜柑 - Fruit Mix fx30 生果混合: Kiwi 奇異果, Mango 芒果, Banana 香蕉, Avocardo 牛油果, Papaya 木瓜 - Fruit Mix fx31 生果混合: Apple 蘋果, Pear 梨, Peach 桃, Cherry 櫻桃, Plum 梅子 - Meat Mix 肉類混合: Pork 豬肉, Beef 牛肉, Chicken meat 雞肉, Turkey meat 火雞肉 - Crop Mix 農作物混合: Rye 黑麥, Rice 稻米, Potato 馬鈴薯, Mushroom 磨菇, Pumpkin 南瓜
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1297 Hong Kong Environment Allergy Profile
Individual allergens: Cat epithelium & dander 貓毛屑, Dog dander 狗毛屑, D. pteronyssinus (house dust mite) 塵蟎, Blomia tropicalis (house dust mite) 塵蟎, Cockroach (Blatella germanica) 蟑螂, Japanese Cedar 日本柳杉 Mixes: - Tree pollens mix 樹木花粉混合: Olive 橄欖樹, Willow 柳樹, Melaleuca 白千層, White pine 松樹, Eucalyptus 桉樹, Acacia 相思樹 - Grass pollens mix 牧草花粉混合: Bermuda grass 狗牙根, Rye grass 黑麥草, Timothy grass 梯牧草, Meadow grass 早熟禾, Johnson Grass 石茅, Bahia Grass 百喜草 - Mould mix 黴菌混合: Penicillium chrysogenum, Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Alternaria alternata, Setomelanomma rostrata
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1201 Immunoglobulin E (Total IgE)
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1202 Inhalent allergens screen (Phadiatop)
(house dust mite, cat, dog, cockroach, mixed mould)
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1203 Mixed food allergy screen
(milk, egg white, fish, peanut, wheat, soya)
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1202(a) Single inhalent allergen specific IgE of the above
上述呼吸道敏感原抗體的個別測試 (Note 1)
(Only included in the allergens of the phadiatop)
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week
1203(a) Single food allergen specific IgE of the above
上述食物敏感原抗體的個別測試 (Note 1)
(Only included in the allergens of the HK Food Screening Profile)
5ml CB 4 Days Twice a Week

Note 1 Please check the price and availability of the individual item(s) that are not included in the HK Food and Environment Screening Profiles.