The Diagnostix Group

We are the market leader in providing Quality, Ethical, Professional, Internationally recognized laboratory services to the medical professions and the general community.





Since 1985

It all started way back in 1985 when Dr. Keeng Wai CHAN1 left his post as Head of the Pathology Department at Princess Margaret Hospital. Dr. Chan started a private practice under the name of Diagnostix Pathology Laboratories with Dr. Shiu Hon CHUI2 assisting in looking after the quality control program. In 1987, the first medical laboratory was established and in 1991, Dr. K. W. Chan and Dr. S. H. Chui set up Diagnostix Medical Centre Limited (DMC) in Central. This has become the head office of the Group’s medical laboratories.

1985 年,陳健慧1 醫生辭去了瑪嘉烈醫院病理科主任的職務, 創立了陳健慧病理診斷有限公司,並邀請崔紹漢博士2協助負責化驗所的品質監控。陳健慧醫生及崔紹漢博士於1987年成立了醫學化驗所,並於1991年,正式成立健康化驗集團(DMC),在中環建立集團醫學實驗室的總部。

1985 年,陈健慧1 医生辞去了玛嘉烈医院病理科主任的职务, 创立了陈健慧病理诊断有限公司,并邀请崔绍汉博士2协助负责化验所的品质监控。陈健慧医生及崔绍汉博士于1987年成立了医学化验所,并于1991年,正式成立健康化验集团(DMC),在中环建立集团医学实验室的总部。

Present (HOKLAS accredited)

At present, The Diagnostix Group has two main divisions:

A) Pathology Laboratory and

B) Clinical Laboratory

Under the direct supervision of Dr. K. W. Chan and Dr. S. H. Chui, the Group has two laboratories and five collection centres strategically located throughout Hong Kong. Please refer to the back cover for detailed addresses and location maps.

Managed and operated by pathologists and clinical scientists and staffed by qualified technologists and professionals who are registered with the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board of Hong Kong, and supported by a team of full time couriers, guaranteed turnaround time for most routine tests will take no more than 24 hours, and for specialized tests about 2-3 days. DMC laboratories are covered under a Professional Indemnity Policy against any professional liability.

Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) has awarded The Diagnostix Group with accreditation in medical testing. HKAS is under the Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSAR, operates a Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) which is opened to any Hong Kong laboratory that performs objective testing falling within the scope3 of the scheme and meeting the HOKLAS criteria and standards.

Accreditation by HKAS through HOKLAS is an assurance that DMC is competent to perform specific tests to meet internationally recognized standards.



A) 病理實驗室和

B) 臨床實驗室


實驗室由病理學家及臨床科學家率領一隊專業化驗團隊(香港醫學化驗師委員會註冊的合格醫學化驗師)管理和營運。 從 2006年開始,香港認可處(HKAS)已授予健康化驗集團醫學檢測認可資格。香港實驗室認可計劃認可是我們化驗所品質的保證。請參閱香港認可處網站(請參考網站下方註 3之網址) ,以了解本化驗所的認証詳情




A) 病理实验室和

B) 临床实验室


实验室由病理学家及临床科学家率领一队专业化验团队(香港医学化验师委员会注册的合格医学化验师)管理和营运。 从 2006年开始,香港认可处(HKAS)已授予健康化验集团医学检测认可资格。香港实验室认可计划认可是我们化验所品质的保证。请参阅香港认可处网站(请参考网站下方注 3之网址),以了解本化验所的认证详情


1 Dr. Keeng Wai CHAN, 陳健慧醫生 MBBS (Adelaide), FRCPath, FRCPA, FHKAM (Pathology), FHKCPath

2 Dr. Shiu Hon CHUI, 崔紹漢博士 PhD in Clinical Biochemistry, PhD in Chinese Medicine, FIBMS, CChem FRSC, FHKSCC, CSci

3 For details of scope, please refer to the official websites below: